Open DIY Projects Stuhlkreis talking english… EagleEi Runcam 2 gimbal Antwort auf: EagleEi Runcam 2 gimbal


Hi John,
wiring diagram we dont have actual but my feeling tells me, this could be a good practice for John to create it!? 😉

Just in few words….
the slipring has 12 wires in I use it like that:
1= MOT1 Pitch
2= MOT1 Pitch
3= MOT1 Pitch
4= MOT2 Roll
5= MOT2 Roll
6= MOT2 Roll
7= SDA (RX in case for NT IMU and I recommend to take only NT-IMU!)
8= SCL (TX in case for NT IMU and I recommend to take only NT-IMU!)
9= VCC (5V from IMU port)
10= GND
11= VIDEO OUT of Runcam
12= GND out for Runcam

I dont need the Powering for Runcam! But maybe you can use the GND twie and take the 12th for 5V Power seperate!

* NT IMU!!! — in short words, never without! Why? No more I2C Errors, no more ferrits and no more 7V level, but over all, NT-IMU Logging, the best tool to vind vibrations on the Copter and Gimbal!
Actaul it is very Easy, you don´t have to solder it by your self (like my first NT CC3D IMU few month ago!) meanwhile you can order it incl. the Storm32 or as sand alone NT IMU

